Saturday, February 6, 2016


The Dynamic Nature of Walking With God!

     Life With God - A life journey filled with mystery and wonder... sometimes as in,"I wonder what's next?" I certainly can't believe that we are the only ones who experience this phenomenon as we seek to follow  God! We continue to discover that when we desire to pursue God with all of our hearts we often find ourselves in "what in the world is going on?" scenarios! Of course, this shouldn't surprise us. All we need to do is examine the lives of any of the biblical stories of people who also chose to follow God wholeheartedly! A pattern soon emerges! We can consider the God journey of such people as Moses, Joseph, Paul, Daniel, and more... and in every case we see a wondrous, often mysterious path which usually can only be understood in hindsight! And so it continues to be with us!

      There is a proverb that communicates pretty well what we have been going through. I particularly like the "Passion Translation" version of this verse:

          "Within your heart you can make plans for your future, But the Lord chooses the steps you take to get there." (Prov. 16:9 Passion Translation)

     We have, once again, changed course on this journey with God. There is an entire story in the how and why of our course change but, to keep this blog shorter, we simply let you know that we have applied and been accepted on staff with YWAM Boise. Our last step had been to apply for staff with YWAM Denver! Because of the cost of housing in the Denver area, I began looking into the new YWAM training center pioneering in Boise, Idaho. We came to our daughter and son-in-law's place in Idaho for Christmas, were planning on returning to Denver, but, in one of those ways we attribute to God's hand in re-directing our path, we discovered YWAM Boise. If anyone wants to hear more of how God orchestrated this move, contact us and we will share more. What we do share is that it seems to us that God is clearly involved in this change. 

     I would like to share a few things that have helped us see God in this move. We have been able to participate in some worship and intercession times, as well as one ministry outreach, with YWAM Boise, in the process of seeking God about applying for staff. Both Laurel and I sensed a "God-fit" with YWAM Boise. We are excited about such things as this being a pioneering ministry, family-oriented, Spirit-led, community focused, "near to family" setting. It also seems to be a place of destiny as I have been given a "God-size" vision for this area [More to come later]! 

     I would like to share some of the "words" from God which the leadership of YWAM Idaho received as they prayed over our applications. [For those who might not understand what "words from God" are all about, we believe that God's very nature is relational; that He tells us that we will know His voice, and be led by His Spirit. One of the key aspects of being a believer in Jesus is that He wants us to be in intimate relationship with Him. And, in order to do that, communication is foundational. So we seek to both speak with God, and listen to Him.] So here are what the leaders received from God on our behalf:

Words for Ray and Laurel:

- ”Homecoming” The sense that God is calling you to a home and a place to be homebase to launch new things out of. Boise will become a home for you and the call God has placed on you. As God calls you here He wants you to find contentment in the place He has prepared for you. Things may be tough at times or seem different than expected, but He sees and His Word remains true.
(Isaiah 45:18-21) The Word of the Lord stands true. It needs to be your anchor as you move forward.

- “Underscore the Encouragement” - three lines under these words.

- I had a sense that they have had a season of wandering but that this next step will bring them home.  They will be able to build foundations. They will find a “city to dwell in”.

- (Matthew 13:3-9)  I saw a picture of Ray and Laurel looking into windows in the house then they came to the door and it was opened for them. He saw them searching as He has told them they were to be missionaries, these were the windows that they were looking through, from the outside of the house. Now the door is opened and they walked through into “the home.” It is time to stay close to the Lord, even more than before and that they will be sowers of the Word. You may not see the fruit but your cups will be filled!!

- The Lord showed me a picture of a foundation from a house. The foundation was complete but there was no structure on top of it. In the vision I saw the Lord beginning to lay in the floor joists and the beginnings of what will be a structure. Yes!! We welcome them on our staff here at YWAM Boise as they are like the man in Matthew 7 who heard the words of the Lord and is acting upon them and now will be compared to a wise man who built his house on the rock.

- (Matthew 7:24-25).  The foundation has been laid and now it's time for the house to be built.  However, don't try to build the house on your own.  Psalm 127:1 says, "Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain." The Lord will build the house on the foundation He has laid.  Welcome to YWAM!  

I have removed the names, but I included these words because I wanted to both show how God may speak to us, as well as show the incredible encouragement that God gives through such words. Interestingly, what these leaders heard for us aligned with what we believed God had been saying to us personally as well.

  Although our journey seems to be more erratic than some, we are confident that God is leading us in ways that are good, that will work in us transformation, and which will bring glory to Him! We couldn't have planned nor imagined the last three years of walking with God. They have been challenging, to say the least; but also wonderful from the perspective of what we know God has been doing in us! It seems that a life of walking by faith is at least as much about what God is doing in us as it is what He wants to do through us! And, unless we gain that perspective, we can become overwhelmed with that aspect of the journey! Even knowing this truth does not take away all of the pain, but what it does is give us grace to persevere when everything within us wants to quit! 

      We can, without any hesitation, say we are growing in understanding of the reality of spiritual warfare! In spite of what some people may think, this is really a wonderful gift from God. Learning to realize that there really is a spiritual battle, and knowing that God intentionally trains us in how to fight in that battle, is very empowering! We are learning that "we are more than conquerors through Christ Jesus our Lord!" So often spiritual warfare is viewed as mystical and something to be afraid of. Rather, ignoring spiritual warfare is something to be afraid of because ignorance, in this case, means we are literally giving the enemy authority to keep us in bondage, steal from us our rightful inheritance in the Kingdom of God, hinder the fullness of our God-purposed destiny, and steal our joy! 

     Let me share one example of spiritual warfare we are facing right now. One of the ways we can identify the "giants" we face (which are demonic spirits) is to discern where we are fearful, and where we have been in bondage to something. For me (Ray), one giant has been in relation to my ability to trust God for finances and all forms of provision. One might identify this as an influencing spirit of "lack" or "poverty" or an "orphan" spirit. The way this spirit has hindered my walk with God is that every time we have stepped out in faith we have eventually come to the place of financial need. In the past I would simply give up, thinking God can't or won't provide for us. There's a lot of reasons behind this; one in particular is what is known as an "orphan spirit." This has to do with identity! At some point I will address this more fully, but a demonic spirit holds a person in bondage to believe they are orphans; unwanted and unloved by God or anyone else! Because of this, we think God doesn't love us, and we aren't worthy of being provided for by Him. That is an outright lie! The truth is that we are not only deeply loved by God, we are also adopted by God into His family, called His sons and daughters, and given full identity as His children!  Really, a lot of what God does in the first part of people's  journey is to restore us in our true identity; with all accompanying blessings!

     The battle we are currently facing has a lot to do with this very spirit! God has been amazingly gracious in restoring our minds s0 that we are now living more in our true identity as His son and daughter! But, in order to totally destroy this "giant" we need to confront it head on. The way we are called to do this is to fully place our trust in Abba Father for ALL provision! So our financial issues are front and center spiritual battle issues! That is why I have had strong conviction that we are not to seek the hand of man regarding our finances. As I've said before, this does not mean we reject those who are called to support our ministry. The entire issue is that we look first and only to God, then trust that the Holy Spirit can speak to people who give in obedience to God rather than giving based on emotions or anything else expect obedience to God! This should be the motivation for all of our giving so that God receives the fullness of glory in this process!

     In light of the above, we sincerely desire and need your prayers! We are literally in the position of needing and expecting God's supernatural intervention in our lives. We have been accepted on staff with YWAM Boise and, in order to be free to fully enter into ministry here, we need housing and a substantial increase in financial monthly income. I believe that God has purposefully brought us to a place where we need a miracle. In the same way God led the Israelites out of Egypt to the Red Sea, where they faced impossible circumstances, so God does for us also. The entire reason is that we may overcome the giants we face, see God care for us as our Abba Father, as well as using our lives and circumstances as witness and testimony to God's goodness and greatness! Through such witness, other people will be stirred up in faith to trust God more fully themselves.    I close with this verse from The Passion Translation, which is a life-theme verse for me:

"Everyone hears how God has set me free.
Many will see his miracles; they'll stand in awe of God,
And fall in love with him!" 
(Psalms 40:3b)

Walking into the Inheritance that is ours as God's sons & daughters!

Ray & Laurel Farris

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