Friday, January 22, 2016



     "Where does influence come from?" How is it that we can even be entertaining issues related to such things as "transgenderism?" One thing was made clear to me last night. We were watching a TV show which had some humorous aspects to it...BUT mixed in was some things which were obviously "spiritually dark influencers." It kind of bothered me at the time, but I confess it didn't stop me from watching the rest of the show. 

     As has been the pattern for some time now, I have awoken in the middle of the night...usually around 3 or 3:30 am, and I know that is time to seek God! One of the things the Holy Spirit convicted me of was allowing myself to be part of the enemy's system of influencing the world for evil and harm, simply because I participated without taking a stand against the "spiritual garbage" which was being spewed out on the TV screen! Of that, I repent; I choose to change my mind to be more attentive and alert to the way the enemy seeks to lull society into accepting wickedness by cloaking it in entertainment! After all, satan is, by very nature, a liar and deceiver! 

     It is not my intention to be the judge on what people watch or don't watch. My work is to give witness of what God is speaking to me, and to encourage others to consider how they may be allowing themselves to be influenced by what seems to be "simple entertainment." The reality is that entertainment is one of the key "mountains" or spheres which are battlegrounds of influence: either for good, or for evil. We need to choose which we want to participate in for, one way or another, we are choosing to do so. 

     So, the question is, are we going to choose to become influencers, not just by what we do or don't watch (or listen to, etc), but by our very lives? Jesus Christ paid an incalculable price to bring us out of prison and darkness into real freedom. And He asks us to be who we were created to be: God's children who are, by very nature, to be "salt and light"! These are characteristics of INFLUENCE! We need to take heed to Jesus' warning that if salt looses it's flavor it is good only for the garbage pile. And light will never fulfill it's purpose if it is hidden so others can't see it's  penetrating, illuminating presence!

     God never condemns us! He always comes with conviction so that we can be free from the sin that so easily seeks to entangle! For myself, I choose freedom! It is the only way to enter into the abundant life God promises and purposes for us! 

     I hope this word encourages us to make wise choices, and become the influencers who will see this nation turned around for good, in the power of God! To Him be all glory and honor, for He alone is worthy!

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