Saturday, December 5, 2015

Ray & Laurel Farris Christmas 2015


“But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid; for behold, I bring you good news of great joy which will be for all people; for today in the city of David there has been born for you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.”

Merry Christmas to all our family and friends!  We hope and pray that you may know the grace and peace of God in your lives this Christmas season and through the coming year!

The year 2015 has been a year of foundational first steps for us as we have begun our journey to step back into ministry/missions with Youth With A Mission (YWAM) again. The last few years have gone so fast and have seemed so crazy yet so full of God pursuing us, teaching us older folks, and giving us fresh revelation from His unchanging Word; challenging and stretching us and building up our faith and trust in Him. From the fall of 2013, we empty-nested, took a couple YWAM schools, wandered and visited family while going through the green card process, volunteered at a YWAM campus for a few months. Having become a permanent resident (Laurel), we were able to go back to Canada just in time for my Dad’s wedding and see people back home for a time. Then, last Spring, we moved to Colorado Springs where we lived while staffing a Discipleship Training Course in a local church. It was an exciting time of incredible teaching from amazing speakers, of getting to know some amazing, ordinary people who desire to live a more purposeful life in the bigger picture with our eternal, yet personal and loving God. And, after a brief outreach in Tijuana where we got to pour out, it was so exciting to see the new  kingdom vision and plans growing in everyone. This course is now being multiplied and is made available for other churches.  

Ray and I went back to Canada again for the summer and were able to be with two of our kids at Deer Vally Meadows, the camp and retreat center where we all lived and worked at for a number of years. It was a great summer, getting to again see family and friends in Canada. We were able to be there long enough to send our two kids off on their own adventures again.  Jonathan went back to YWAM Denver where he’s taking his 3rd school: Bible School for the Nations! He is getting some intense Bible learning as well as developing teaching skills to teach the Word. On the 9th of
December he and a couple others will be flying to Indonesia for a two month outreach of preaching and teaching. Jonathan is being stretched and is  learning to trust God in greater ways. Kayla left at the end of August to got to the island of Yap, which is in Micronesia and not too far from Guam. She’s working with a missionary couple, Gary & Gwen Bistritan, who have been in Guam for years and then moved on to Yap. Kayla is presently a classroom monitor for grades 1-3 in their Christian school. She also helps with some of the work in the church; with youth and worship and outreach. She loves getting to know all the people, all ages. She, too is being stretched and keeping busy, and finding that God is so good and faithful. 

Our oldest and married daughter, Rayanna was able to come and visit us in Canada and we have been able to see her and husband, Tony in Idaho. She too has been venturing out while at home, in the way of starting to sew and sell a beautiful variety of bags. She and her husband enjoy being part of their worship team at church and both play a couple different instruments now. Rayanna loves to plan and host parties once in awhile  and see to it that guests have a great time of fun, food and friendship, and games.  Tony is a technical analyst for a chain of stores and Rayanna is a shift manager at Dairy Queen.

Ray and I have finally come back to Colorado and are presently looking for housing in the Arvada (Denver) area, as we’ve made the shift from Colorado Springs to Denver YWAM! We hope to be able to get started staffing with the Denver team as soon as possible (as soon as we find housing; hoping for the beginning of January). We’re so excited to be able to join the team here where so many young lives (and some older) are being transformed by the Word of God and the love of God, the Author and Finisher of our faith. This has been a place of trans-formation in our own lives and even as we watch our kids step out and try new wings, we too, are still learning that God always has more for us and nothing can compare to walking in His leading.  We will spend Christmas with Rayanna and Tony this year and probably video-chat with our other two kids. I am so thankful for the internet!  

We wish you all God’s best for you and yours this Christmas and throughout the New Year!  

Love, because of Christ,

Laurel and Ray