Friday, June 17, 2016

A Refined Focus for Vision & Moving into a Time of Transition!

Difficult Circumstances: React? Or Respond?

When you are faced with crisis of some sort, what do you do? Do you react, or respond? "What's the difference?" From personal experience I testify about the difference that God has made in my life regarding dealing with a crisis. 

In the past, whenever a crisis would come, usually financial, I would instinctively react in fear! This usually meant I instantly became overwhelmed by the situation and began looking for any means possible out of the circumstance. Fear drove my reactions!

I testify to the transforming power of God in my life regarding dealing with a crisis. On June 28th, as we drove back from California to Idaho, our transmission went completely out on our car; totally out of the blue. We had no indication that there was any sort of problem. Rather than reacting in fear as I would have done even as little as four years ago, I was held in the peace of God and chose to respond in faith! There is light and dark difference between the two responses. Reacting was based on feelings and produced fear! Responding to God was based on the truth of who I know God to be, and the Spirit produced peace in the midst of a stormy situation! 

So how does one change from reacting in fear to responding in faith? It is only as we come to know God for who He really is, not just what our head tells us He's suppose to be like, that we are transformed from fear to faith! God has had us on a journey of grace, where He has drawn us to pursue Him to really know Him intimately! For much of my christian life I thought I knew God and knew how to walk in faith, but when troubles came I usually discovered what I really believed about God! Sadly, too often, I found out that I really didn't know the truth of God's love, goodness, power and grace. Sure, I knew the theology; the intellectual understanding of this is who God says He is, but it was not reflected in my real life decision making! However, truly by grace, God put a hunger within for us to seek after Him. It is all by His grace!

We have found that there is no greater journey than that of pursuing a truly intimate relationship with God! I can't say I understand God's grace well, but this I know: God delights in those who humble themselves and set their hearts on pursuit of intimacy with Him! This is something He will always fulfill! It is unquestionably His will, and He will always respond and answer this quest! As the word of God says if we hunger and thirst for righteousness [right relationship with God], we will be filled! 

We have had the absolute joy of growing in intimacy with God as never before, and seeing the fruit which comes out of such intimacy! It is in both knowing the nature and character of God, and knowing who we are because of what Jesus has done at the cross - our true identity - that we come to the place where we respond to God, first seeking Him in every circumstance, rather than reacting in fear out of our own understanding! 

A Refined Focus of Vision and Calling

So what does all of this have to do with calling and vision? While we were driving back from California, before our transmission went out, I (Ray) received a very clear sense of the Spirit of God speaking to me; not an audible voice, but clearly from Him. I understood it to be a narrowing or refining of focus on our calling and ministry vision. What I sensed the Spirit saying was that we were being set apart to serve the body of Christ, the church, the Bride of Christ. The way we would be serving was to be a catalyst for revival; a stirring up of the Church to walk in the Spirit! Almost instantly, I also sensed that the Spirit was saying that I wasn't equipped for this specific work yet. And that we were to go to Redding, CA to get some specific discipleship for this ministry! 

Having mentioned this to some people already, I've gotten feedback asking why I needed further training. Perhaps the best way I can respond to this is to share something the Spirit said to me as I was praying about how to enter into this ministry. What I heard was that teaching was not enough to see the Church discipled and revived! Teaching definitely has it's place, but real discipleship comes only through the combination of teaching and experience! The reason I believe we are called to gain more training/discipleship is that although we may know the teaching fairly well, but we are not yet fully equipped to demonstrate the power of God! Now, does that mean we don't or won't do anything until we feel like we are fully equipped? Absolutely not! We will begin where we are at! We will respond to any door the Spirit opens for us to share, disciple and model life in the Spirit! Ultimately, it is not my understanding, my knowledge, or my ability to exercise power but rather the Spirit of God moving through us! So we continue to seek God, obey him as he leads us, and trust fruitfulness to come as He determines. 

A Time of Transition

As a result of facing a crisis and seeking God as to what He was doing through this, we have resigned from serving with YWAM Idaho/Boise! We faced a financial crisis which we did not have the resources to cover. We still don't but our eyes are set on God. Responding in faith, we sought God about what He was doing through these circumstances, and we believe He has used this as a means to move us into a new place of transition! We have resigned from YWAM IDAHO, and are returning to Canada for the summer to serve at Deer Valley Meadows on a part time basis, and continue to seek God about applying for training at Bethel in Redding, CA! Ultimately we are accountable to God above all else! So we do all we can to seek Him, then obey what we believe He is saying! We firmly believe we are in a kairos season in the kingdom of God; a time where the Spirit is moving in unprecedented ways; at least in our generation! The times are clearly moving toward the return of Christ. We see the darkness growing, but we also see the kingdom of God advancing in amazing ways! God's word says that "of the increase of His (Jesus') government, there shall be no end!" No matter how much the darkness seems to prevail, as we walk in step with the Spirit of God, the kingdom of God will ever increase; and God will be faithful to accomplish this! We unashamedly declare we will be part of this move of God! We certainly would appreciate your prayers as we continue in the journey of walking by faith in the Spirit of God! We also avail ourselves to share some of our experiences, to hold revival services or however we may serve the Church! We will gladly give out of what God has poured into us, with joy!

Our contact information will be (in about a week):

Box 690
Alix, AB, Canada
T0C 0B0
Ray's cell # (403) 392-9068
Or text me via my Facebook Page:

 "Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see...
   And it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to him must believe that God exists and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him."

(Hebrews 11:1, 6 NLT)

Ever Seeking to Bring Delight to Our Father's Heart!

Ray and Laurel

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